Saturday, May 3, 2008

When Minimum Coverage Is Not Enough for Your Business

The name of the game in insurance and risk management. As information technology and small business owner or manager, you transfer the risk of losing insurance company in exchange for the premium. Of course you do not want to spend more on the premium that you have; Does no one. But Skimping on your liability insurance could cost you your job. High litigation costs, particularly for information technology companies. More and more businesses depend entirely on their software. If the failure of the programmes, the company that provided it is going to pay eventually. But if the firm has the right to professional liability coverage, and then the insurance company of paying.
so Is, Are you one of the luckiest of them can be obtained only with the minimum liability insurance coverage? That depends on your asset, but even more on your exposure. If you& 39;re running a high-tech business, do not count on it.
you need to consider both professional liability and general liability insurance. General liability insurance protects you if your business is responsible for bodily injury or destruction of property. If the company is open to the public, or whether your employees regularly interact with other companies or with the general public, you want to bump up this coverage. If manufacturing your product is hazardous, once again, you will need to raise your liability insurance. Most agents will be able to provide advice on the extent of general liability insurance need.
but you in this modern world, only after the general liability insurance is not enough. It does not protect you against claims that your product or failure does not lead advertised. Even if your product works perfectly, and defending against bogus lawsuit could easily cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. To protect you in these situations, you need professional liability coverage. OK, but how much?
you need to consider where your product will be sold. With the Internet, and we often do business in the global market for granted. However, most cover the minimum professional liability do not apply only to policies of North America (assuming you stay in the United States). Furthermore, the minimum coverage would be up to the amount owed to each event, but also on the total amount owed to each year.
a few cases brought before the courts can take you more than that. Let look at this company that it is possible scenario:
your lack adequate security and allows hackers access to your customer financial information company& 39;s clients to settle the case - $ 300000 in addition to legal fees. your corrupted data in a database client to settle the case - $ 700000 in addition to legal fees. Owing to your court cases, you can not make the deadline specified in your contract to another activity to settle the case - $ 500000. Worst of all, your programs are not up to the excessive claims of your seller, and the case goes to a jury to determine damages judgement against the company for several million dollars in addition to legal fees.
that & 39; many Sa Money, more than most small businesses can be paid. While I hope that your product will lead to better than the one described above, and liability insurance of any kind, not the hope, which is the reality of industry.
about Author: James Cochran, owner, is based on the World Wide Web Small business and insurance agent specializing in the field of information technology industry. More than 15 years of experience Insurance, founded in techinsurance Cochran in 1997 to provide insurance products for IT Professionals. Techinsurance has grown to become one of America& 39;s leading insurance liability insurance companies and businesses.

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The Different Health Insurance Plans for Businesses

Medical insurance is that you need to know, but plans can be very complex. To receive the sacrament of them, let& 39;s take a look at the basic plans available.
One should always include a clause in the discussion of health insurance plans. Much like the mortgage market, there is a wide range of existing plans. Some may even be custom made for very large enterprises. That aside, there are three main forms of health insurance for most businesses.
The health maintenance organization is the most common approach to health insurance. You probably know it better at reducing the OPT. Generally speaking, the HMO health insurance is the cheapest available. The monthly fee is not required, as a small co-pay every time they visit the patient medical officer. Unfortunately, you can only use doctors and facilities, which were approved by the HMO, if you do not receive emergency care.
The preferred provider organization is the next step activities of the food chain of health insurance solutions for businesses. You probably know it better, PPO. PPO was more flexible than the average HMO. You can ask for help medical services outside the list of approved doctors on the PPO. You also do not require a doctor& 39;s directions to the general downturn in specialist.
The PPO is the cost. With the flexibility to reach more premiums. In general, one can expect to pay more of your medical expenses for treatment providers outside the approved list of doctors being PPO. Each PPO differ, but you can expect to pay 20 percent of medical bills, if you use a doctor, who did not approved.
Our third option is a point the life of the plan. You probably know it as POS. POS mostly hybrid plan. It is designed to combine the best HMO and PPO world, or at least an idea. You must choose approved as your doctor& 39;s primary care giver. When you go beyond the approved list of medical services, you want to pay a greater portion of the cost of doing so with one exception. The exception is important. If the primary care giver to your doctor outside the approved list of providers, POS will pick cost.
When choose health insurance plan, the devil is in the details, as they say. Get a firm understanding of what you need from your plan and then find appropriate policy.
Get California health insurance quotes at

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